Caring Kind and Lifted Partnering Together
With Heather Gately and Michele Piskin
Join Lifted's Heather & special guest Michele Piskin as they discuss an upcoming partnership between Caring Kind and Lifted called Partnering Together. Listen now!
Amazon Music • Spotify
Why Caregivers Need Support Too
With Heather Gately and Donna Spellman
Join Lifted's Heather & Donna as they discuss what caregiver support groups can offer and what joining one may look like. They take a dive into the struggles many caregivers face and how they can often feel isolated when not surrounded by the right help. Listen now!
Amazon Music • Spotify
Who Doesn’t Love the Notebook?
With Heather Gately and Donna Spellman
Lifted women, Donna and Heather, sit down and discuss the Broadway show The Notebook and how it shows representation of how Alzheimer's and Dementia can affect lives. Listen now!
Amazon Music • Spotify
Welcome to Lifted: The Brain Wellness Center
With Heather Gately and Donna Spellman
Come along with Heather and Donna while they discuss the birth of Lifted and share in discussion of possibilities and a brighter future. Listen now!
Amazon Music • Spotify